Attendance / Medical
Stillwater Attendance Procedures
Please call the school office at 425-844-4680 and leave a message at any time. You may also email the office at Remember to state the reason for your absence. If your student is ill, please give specific details as the state requires us to report illness symptoms. In accordance with RSD Procedure P3005-5, the following are valid excuses for absences and tardiness:
Participation in school-approved activity. To be excused, this absence must be authorized by a staff member and the affected teacher must be notified prior to the absence unless it is clearly impossible to do so. Please submit a "Planned Absence" form.
Absence due to illness, health condition, family emergency. The parent is expected to notify the school office via phone or email, or send a note of explanation with the student within ten (10) working days upon his/her return to school
Absence for parental approved activities, including religious purposes. This category of absence, which must be submitted in writing prior to the absence, shall be counted as excused for purposes agreed upon by the parent. An absence may not be approved if it causes a serious adverse effect on the student's educational progress. Please submit a "Planned Absence" form. Planned Absence forms are available in the school office or on the Stillwater website and must be approved by the principal BEFORE your child's absence.
Absence resulting from disciplinary actions - or short-term suspension.
If you do not report your student's absence to the Stillwater office, we will consider the absence unexcused. We do make "safe arrival" calls when we have absent students who have not been reported. Please take responsibility for making one call for each absence to save us from making multiple calls each morning. Always call the school office, even if you have spoken to your student's teacher.
What do I do if I have to pick my student up early from school?
To ensure that a child is taken from school only by an authorized person, a note from home must be presented to his/her teacher or a phone call made to the office before the child is released. All notes then go to the office. When the parent/guardian arrives to pick up their child they will sign them out and the office staff will call them down to the office. No one is to leave the school grounds without permission.
My student has medication needs during the day. What do I need to do?
All medications, prescriptions and over the counter (including topical creams, cough drops, Tylenol and other various over the counter drugs) must be authorized by a physician using the official district "Oral Medication Authorization" form also available in the Stillwater office. Students are only authorized to apply topical creams when a doctor's authorization is on file in our office, and should come to the health room.
When to keep your student home or when your student might be sent home.
If your child is ill to the extent that it will be difficult for him or her to participate in the activities of a normal day, it is best to keep your child home. If your child becomes ill while at school or receives an injury that requires further medical attention, you will be notified immediately.
As a general rule, if your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or above, we will call for them to go home. We will call with the following:
temperature of 100 degrees or more
vomiting or diarrhea
what appears to be pink eye, with or without drainage, until treated
body rash especially with a fever
Lice, lice eggs, or scabies until treated. We have a nit free policy. Always contact the office.
chronic cough
injury that needs medical attention
Please be sure to notify the office if your child will be absent. For additional health information, you may contact our Stillwater Nurse at 425-844-4698.